Monday, April 2, 2012

Tv: A definite Impact on society


Television, what do you think of when that word is mentioned? people all over the nation have separate opinions about Tv. Some people think of it as a clear thing, and some say it has negative affect on our lives. What ever you think about watching television, it is your opinion, and it is fine. What I want to bring to your attentiveness is the clear impact of a marvelous invention, that we call television, has had on our society.

When you were a child did you watch television? Do you remember some of the Tv shows you watched when you were a child? After watching a show of your popular musical artist, did you try to sing that song or imitate the dance moves you just saw? If you did, or did not, I bet that there was something you tried to imitate from watching Tv. Children have learned many things from television, like separate shapes, colors, plants and animals. I am sure as a child of this nation we have learned many clear things from viewing Tv when we were in our toddler years.

We know that children learned many things from watching television, but how does Tv affect your life as an adult? When you go to bed at night, or get up in the morning to go to work, do you turn to the news channel to check what the weather is going to be like? When seeing for information of current events, local news, or deals to be found at your popular store, you can find all these things on Tv. The good that television brings to our daily life is literally incredible.

September 11, 2001 will always be remembered as part of our history; were you watching television on that day? Millions of people across the country were glued to their sets, receiving up-to-the-minute information of what was happening. Tv is one of our most important ways to receive indispensable information locally, as well as nationally. We should be very thankful that most of us have televisions and can be warned not to eat a clear brand of spinach, because of an E. Coli break out, or to be on alert of a suspected serial killer. When person receives that kind of information they will regularly tell a family member or a friend; thus, bringing more awareness to a hazardous situation. When people are more alert to the hazardous aspect of our society, it also creates a safer community and that is very positive.

Tv is a marvelous invention that can give you some well deserved, laughs at the end of a hard day, or can entertain you with some suspenseful story. Tailor what you and your kids watch on television to make it a source of information and entertainment. View with coarse sense, because we know kids learn by imitation and listening. Stay on top of what is important to you by picking and choosing what you want to watch. Finally, I think Tv is a very clear expanding to our lives; however, we all should be mindful of what we watch.

Tv: A definite Impact on society

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